Showing posts with label best cosmetic surgeon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label best cosmetic surgeon. Show all posts

Thursday, 30 May 2019

Forehead Contouring Surgery

                                                                  Forehead Contouring Surgery

In the above video footage we can watch Forehead Contouring Surgery performed by Dr Kishore Babu Pentyala in his New you Cosmetic Surgery Clinic in Bangalore India.
In Forehead Contouring Surgery prominent part of the forehead is trimmed this making the individual look aesthetically pleasing.
Forehead Contouring Surgery would take 1 to 2 hours of time to complete the entire procedure one can go back to their homes in the same very day when it is treated in an day care cosmetic surgery Center. To Know more information on Forehead Contouring Surgery visit or

Masseter Muscle Reduction Surgery

                                                      Masseter Muscle Reduction Surgery

Masseter Muscle Reduction Surgery is done on people with hyper tropic Masseter  Muscle. Hyper tropic Masseter Muscle is as a result of  excessive activity of Masseter Muscle. Usually Masseter Muscle is big in males when compared with females .
Masseter Muscle Reduction Surgery  is usually performed on people with huge Lower Jaw posteriorly .Big  Masseter Muscle is social embarrassment. Not only men but women who have big masseter muscle which needs to be addressed . Masseter Muscle Reduction Surgery is also performed on transgender women mtf-ffs ( Male Female Transition individuals )  to have a smooth and feminine lower Jaw.
Masseter Muscle Reduction Surgery Cost depends on geographical location, experience of surgeon and type of anesthesia used . Masseter Muscle Reduction Surgery Cost also depends on the no of procedures you are undergoing in a single day which means if an individual undergoes 2 to 3 or more facial cosmetic procedure along with Masseter Muscle Reduction Surgery cost wold be reduced by 10 to 15%.
Masseter Muscle Reduction Surgery Cost would ranges from 1200 to 1500 $ USD.To know your Masseter Muscle Reduction Surgery Cost please send your pictures to or visit us @

Double Chin Reduction Surgery Cost in India


                                                      Double Chin Reduction Surgery Cost in India

In the above video we can watch Double Chin Reduction Surgery performed by Dr.Pentyalas  in his New You Cosmetic Surgery Clinic in Bangalore India.Double Chin Reduction Surgery Cost in India would range from 55000 INR to 80,000 INR in an day care cosmetic Clinic where one can avoid  hospital stay charges. To know your Double Chin Reduction Surgery Cost in India please send your picture to or visit

Monday, 27 May 2019

Zygomatic Bone Reduction Surgery


                                                           Zygomatic Bone Reduction Surgery

In the above video we can watch  Zygomatic Bone Reduction Surgery  performed by Dr Pentyalas in his New You Cosmetic Surgery clinic in Bangalore India.

In the Zygomatic Bone Reduction Surgery  reduction of facial width by trimming the part of Zygomatic Bone. Zygomatic Bone Reduction Surgery is also called as Cheek Bone reduction Surgery in general. 
To know more information on Cheek Bone reduction Surgery  or Zygomatic Bone Reduction Surgery by Dr. Pentyalas visit us @

Friday, 19 June 2015

How to Choose Your Cosmetic Surgeon?

How to Choose Your Cosmetic Surgeon? 

Most Important thing in choosing a cosmetic surgeon by his/her

1) Credentials i mean education qualification and their practice.

2) Real Time Experience: Many claim to be a Best Cosmetic Surgeon,one should closely observe
    how many years does your cosmetic surgeon has real time experience in performing cosmetic surgeries . Does You Cosmetic Surgeon Individually  perform all  his cosmetic surgeries by him self or Does he hires other surgeons for performing surgeries.

3) Results: When it comes to Cosmetic surgery results People show you  lot of Before and After Photos please do not believe in any Images since it can be fabricated   , allways ask for an live video footage of an Surgery video where you can judge the surgeon on hand surgical experience and surgical skills. You can also feel free to ask a surgeon to speak with his patients for whom he/ she ad performed surgery.

4)  Lastly you can select the cosmetic surgeon while consulting ,if any surgeon promise you anything which not realistic be aware of him. No Cosmetic surgeon can do magic or wonder, all he can do s to enhance or increase your beauty!